My first Insta-edit of my life recently and how nice it has been to reflect a bit. I have had the busiest few weeks with my job and my friends but it has been amazing.
1. Puuurrrrrrfic Sunday...tea, cats, blogging and a roast on its way 2. This Boy 3. Pizza, Beer, Boy, Bonobo...yes! 4. Come tooooo Mumma! 5. Bonobo 6. Barnet & Beard 7. Freshhh 8. Tilly loves Ice Age 9. Whooooops...I swear they just fell into a bag and came home with me 10. Stopped by the LWLies and Huck magazine pop up and got this lil beaut 11. My happy place 12. Hot milk, cookies, bed and vintage The O.C. 13. Could this e a sneak peak of the world's greatest Christmas Cardi?...I think so! #gohardorgohome 14. WHP!!! 15. The end of the night...what a perfect end 16. Good Moooorrrrning Manchester